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Did you know? Washington, DC call boxes

Updated: Feb 22, 2020

Like many other locales, Washington, DC used to have police and fire call boxes throughout the city. Starting in the mid-1800's, these metal structures housed "boxes" where an alarm could be pulled to summon the fire or police departments (there were separate boxes for each). They also contained gas lamps to provide city wide street lighting. With advancements in communications in the 1900's, they were no longer needed and the system was abandoned. They were not physically removed and hundreds of them still remain throughout the city. While many of them stand as they were and are deteriorating, some have been given a coat of paint and a new lease on life as local art. These quirky reminders of the past are lovingly adopted by neighbors and often decorated seasonally or based on the neighborhood's personality. These two are from the Crestwood and 16th Street Height areas - one in original condition (though with a sticker supporting a DC band) and the other with a charming fishbowl. I wonder how many could be found?

Washington, DC Fire Call Box

Washington, DC Fire Call Box

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Jan 29, 2020

I am very glad after read your article because I will go for in Washington DC. So I must visit and see this place during my journey. Your article are informative for me.

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