Let me help you do it all
Life is short, don't miss out on the good stuff.
Bon Voyage
When I travel, or enjoy experiences in my own hometown, I really try to get the most out of it. That does not mean a breakneck day of activities - but a careful consideration of where to focus my energies. My travels include seeing what makes a place known, but also enjoying great food, art and culture, unique local experiences, and breathing room to enjoy it all. I love doing the pre-research and planning which makes me a great resource for others.
My hope with this site and blog is to share what I am interested in, what I have learned, and to help others maximize their enjoyment too. I can offer a variety of advice on travel planning and things to see and do. My areas of focus are Washington DC, Paris, and South India but I have familiarity with many other places. Send me a message using the contact form below to learn more or if you are interested in some travel assistance.
Thanks for traveling with me!